Operation Mind Control

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Operation Mind Control have released one album – Funkturm on D.O.R. The tracks on this CD use various percussion instruments, radio transmissions and other samples to create a hybrid of techno and musique concrete. Using the radio transmissions as the skeleton and structural elements of these recordings, this CD has a conceptual feel similar to the recent Conet Project releases, and is an exploration of “the dichotomy of technology in its function for global communication: on one hand increased access to information; on the other increased sublimation of the individual.”

This project has now transmuted into Funkturm, but the OMC recordings are a ritualistic, techno-tinged foretaste of the minimalist breakbeat Urban Mantras collection.

Prior to the D.O.R release, OMC recorded three cassette-only albums for the Chainsaw Cassettes label. A selection of tracks from these – Fluorescence – is now available on cassette or download at Bandcamp, courtesy of Personal Soundtracks.

With Funkturm you imagine yourself at a lonely height, the only thing you catch is whispering wind that brings the receiving dish to the top of the mast.

DigiPleasures no 4, 1998
